Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih
Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih

Upper East Regional Minister, Dr. Hafiz Bin-Salih says the region is progressing at a slower pace as compared to its twin, the Upper West Region.

“Let me say that the Upper West Region is developing faster than the Upper East Region in so many regards and it’s something that all of us must wake up from the slumber and ensure that the Upper East Region takes its rightful place in the committee of regions of this country.”

Dr. Bin-Salih observed that although the Upper East Region was ahead in terms of development when the two administrative areas were carved out of the then Upper Region, the Upper West Region has progressed at a faster rate and is catching up with the former.

“From the get go, the Upper East Region was ahead of the Upper West Region but gradually the Upper West Region is catching up”.

He attributed the slower pace of development in the Upper East Region to myriad of issues and called on residents to rally behind efforts to improve conditions in the region.

“So many things are hindering our progress and we need to go to the drawing table, look at the pitfalls, correct them and then take our rightful place,” he noted.

Speaking on his reassignment from his home region to the Upper East Region, Dr. Bin-Salih said president Akufo-Addo was satisfied with his performance in the Upper West Region reason he made the change.

He indicated his resolve to see to the realization of a number of developmental projects including the proposed regional airport.