Dora Mochiah, Program Officer for FAWE-Ghana
Dora Mochiah, Program Officer for FAWE-Ghana

The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE-Ghana) has held a 3-day media training workshop for journalists in the Upper East Region, aimed at enhancing their reporting skills on gender equality and adolescent sexual reproductive health.

The workshop, held under the Sexual Health and Reproductive Education (SHARE) project, sought to equip journalists with the knowledge and skills to report accurately and sensitively on these critical issues.

Resource persons, well-versed in the subject matter, facilitated the training, providing insights and expertise to the journalists.

The media personnel took advantage of the training to learn new things, expand their knowledge, and improve their reporting skills.



During the workshop, the journalists participated in group assignments and presentations, engaging actively with the resource persons and their peers.

These interactive sessions enabled them to share experiences, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered.

According to Dora Mochiah, Program Officer for FAWE-Ghana, the training workshop covered topics such as gender equality, adolescent sexual reproductive health, and effective communication strategies.

By empowering journalists with the skills and knowledge to report on these critical issues, Madam Dora said, FAWE-Ghana aims to contribute to a more informed and supportive environment for adolescent girls and boys in the Upper East Region.

“By promoting gender-sensitive reporting, we can create a society that values and respects the rights of all individuals, especially adolescent girls and boys, and supports them to reach their full potential and make informed decisions about their health, education, and well-being,” said Madam Dora.

Journalists, who benefited from the program, praised the initiative, saying it would enhance their reporting skills and knowledge on gender and adolescent health issues.

They expressed gratitude to FAWE-Ghana for the opportunity, noting that the training would help them to better understand the complexities of gender and health issues and report more accurately and sensitively on these topics.

Trainees deliberating and sharing experience during the training
Trainees deliberating and sharing experience during the training

They also appreciated the interactive and engaging approach of the training, which allowed them to share experiences and learn from each other. According to them, the program would be useful in helping them to create awareness, reduce stigma, and promote social change in their communities, and they look forward to applying their newfound knowledge and skills in their work.