Naba Tandegrewangrekugre Asobayire V
Naba Tandegrewangrekugre Asobayire V

The Paramount Chief of the Kologo Traditional Area, Naba Tandegrewangrekugre Asobayire V, has expressed frustration with politicians who, have failed to fulfill their campaign promises to develop the area.

In an address, the chief revealed that some politicians now avoid visiting his palace, fearing reminders of their unkept promises.

Kologo, a paramountcy in the Kassena Municipality of the Upper East Region, has long been neglected in terms of physical development, lacking basic amenities such as police stations and senior high schools, which has left the community without essential services.

The chief emphasized that politicians have consistently deceived the people, failing to return and fulfill their promises once in power.

“Some politicians who promised to bring development to my area some time back have failed to deliver, hence refused come back to my palace. They don’t even answer my call,” he said.

He expressed hope that Alan John Kyeremanten and the Alliance for Change would honor their commitments if elected to lead Ghana.

Naba Asobayire V also disputed claims that the Kologo-Naaga road has been rehabilitated, labeling them as false.

As the 2024 elections approach, the people of Kologo and Ghana at large eagerly await transformative leadership.

The Alliance for Change campaign team has been touring the region, sharing Alan John Kyeremanten’s vision for Ghana’s future, which includes a Great Transformational Plan (GTP) that focuses on economic growth, governance, infrastructure, social services, environment, and behavioral change.