Kafui Danku (Left) and Leila Djansi

Movie Producer Leila Djansi has said claims by Kafui Danku that she is a dangerous person has broken her so bad that it will take years to heal.

Kafui Danku in a post on her Facebook page alleged that Leila Djansi was peddling falsehood about her just because she could not afford to provide extra support for a project she [Leila Djansi] was pursuing.

Kafui Danku, however, realizing she had rushed in concluding deleted the post and apologised to Leila for the haste in which she concluded on what she heard.

But reacting to the earlier post, Leila Djansi said in the comment section that “If I had gone and committed suicide yesterday, this post would be pointless. There are always 3 sides to a story. Never encourage a gossip. Make sure all parties accused are present, and then allow everyone to make their case. Thank you for being a decent human to admit things could have been done better.

I did not ask for “thousands of dollars” and you refused. You were the greatest supporter in this fight for Doris’s life. You never refused when I asked you for help expanding our search for funds. By the time you got to me with a response, we had gotten the funds. You praised God with me and life went on. I never, called anyone to discuss you cos you didn’t give me money. Who would I even call? I am glad we got to the canker. I am glad we were both patient enough to hear each other out and call the source. 3 way calls are priceless!

In Ewe we say “obe obe do gba afe” (he said, she said is destructive).
Apology accepted. Whether or not we can continue to be friends, I have to heal from this and all the other horrible things I have endured in Ghana from gossip and fake news.

Before you pick up the phone and tell someone what you heard from someone who heard from someone who heard from eavesdropping, please consider what all could be destroyed.

I am beautifully broken”.