Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih
Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih

Upper East Regional Minister, Dr. Hafiz Bin-Salih has warned against illegal mining in the region.

While indicating that recent geological surveys have discovered huge gold deposits in the area, he said government will not countenance activities of illegal miners.

“We have so much gold in the Upper East Region but we have to do the needful,” he stated in an interview on GBC URA Radio in Bolgatanga.

“We will not allow illegal miners to stand in the way of people who have legitimately been given concession. So it’s another are that’s of interest to me”.

The minister was assessing the prospects of the mining sector in the region.

He stated that the sector has the potential of propelling development of the region and thus, there’s the need for effective regulations to ensure the minerals are well harnessed.

Already, he said some companies engaged in mining in the place have pledged to undertake developmental projects including the construction of an airport.

He believes the region could benefit more from such initiatives if it is well positioned to attract large-scale mining companies.

The regional minister is convinced that large-scale mining will fetch the region substantial revenue for development than any kind of mining.

“It is these giant mining firms that can come here, help in the development of the Upper East Region”.

He, however, urged those interested in engaging in small-scale mining to do so legitimately by following due process to legitimatize their activities.

“However, those who want to engage in community mining, there are processes that they can follow. If they follow the processes and minerals commission gives them the needed documentation, we will allow them to operate”.