Radio presenter and reggae musician, Abubakar Ahmed better known as Blakk Rasta has revealed how his desire to befriend the opposite sex got him on radio.

Speaking in an interview on Citi TV, Blakk Rasta said he wanted to have a girlfriend when he started schooling at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) but was extremely shy and therefore, found it difficult making advances towards the female students.

He then devised a plan of joining the school’s radio in the belief that he would get the attention of the females and possibly, make some his girlfriends.

“There was a campus radio that came up and I went to audition. In fact the secret basically was that I am an extreme shy person. You see that all along this interview, I haven’t looked at you in the faces. I am extremely shy so I felt that going on radio would bring me some friends especially, the females. I wanted to have female friend. My mind was that, go on radio, make noise, show what you have then ladies normally get attracted to (good radio personalities) but it didn’t work out,” he said.

His plan, however, did not work out as he would later discover that what comes with the job of a radio presenter is “deeper than just female friends”.

Blakk Rasta also revealed that he had wanted to become a medical doctor but his poor performances in the sciences made him switched to the arts and abandoned his ambition of becoming a healthcare personnel.

“I wanted to be a doctor then later my father wanted me to be a fire engineer but I didn’t do too well with my sciences. I didn’t like Chemistry at all. Mathematics was also a big problem to me but with the arts I could go to bed all the semester and just pick up my book for one day and go and break them into pieces. So I gravitated towards the arts more and it gave me more time to explore into other things,” he disclosed.