The Paramount Chief of the Talensi Traditional Area, Tongraan Kugbilsong-Nanlebegtang, and the Paramount Chief of the Builsa Traditional Council, Nab Azagsuk Azantilow II, all members of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs, are praying the High Court in Bolgatanga to declare the election of Chiana Pio as President of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs as null and void.

The motion on notice by Mohammed Tiamiyu, lawyer for the two chiefs (Plaintiffs) prays the court for an order of interlocutory injunction against the Chiana Pio, restraining him from holding himself out as the President-elect of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs and from availing himself to be sworn in as such.

Aside from hoping to stop him from holding himself out as president, the two paramount rulers also seek to bar the Regional House of Chiefs from organizing or inviting any legal officer to a ceremony to swear in Chiana Pio as president.

They are, through their solicitors, seeking the following reliefs; a declaration as null and void and of no legal effect the election held on the 16th of September 2024 by the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs, which purports to elect Chiana Pio, who is the first Defendant in the case, as President of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs, an order of the court setting aside the election held on 16th September, 2024 that purportedly elected the 1st Defendant as President-elect of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs as same is contrary to known and settled practice of the house.

The two chiefs are also praying the court to restrain the 1st Defendant from holding himself out as president-elect of the house and restraining the Regional House of Chiefs from submitting the results of the said election to the National House of Chiefs pending the final determination of this action, a perpetual injunction restraining the Defendants and any other occupant of the position from using their offices as the President of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs and the Registrar to unilaterally change the rotational system of electing a president and representative of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs to the National House of Chiefs.

The motion is set to be moved on October 17, 2024.