Rural Initiatives for Self-Empowerment (RISE-Ghana) has embarked on an ambitious project, “Heard Everywhere And Represented Daily” (HEARD) to promote youth empowerment and inclusivity in decision-making at the local level.

Funded by Northern Sector Action On Awareness Center (NORSAAC) and implemented in partnership with Songtaba, National Youth Authority, and other like-minded NGOs, the project aims to revolutionize the narrative of inclusion in the Upper East Region.

RISE-Ghana engaged youth groups in the region on the National Youth Policy and Local Government System, equipping them with essential knowledge to participate in decision-making processes.

Engagement session with participants
Engagement session with participants

Participants gained insights into critical areas, including youth employment and labour issues, Local Government Act 2016 (Act 936), District Assembly management, Decision-making processes at the assembly and strategies for effective participation in local decision-making.

One of the Facilitators, Hilary Adongo highlighted the challenges hindering the full operationalization of Ghana’s National Youth Policy.

“While the policy is well-crafted, its implementation remains non-binding, allowing governments to pay lip service to youth development,” he noted.

Mr Adongo emphasized that, without legislative backing, the policy lacks the force of law, leaving youth without recourse to demand implementation.

He also advocated for the separation of sports from youth-related concerns, currently combined under the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

“The majority of the ministry’s budget is allocated to sports, neglecting critical youth issues such as unemployment, skills training, and scholarships for talented needy children,” he argued.

By empowering youth with knowledge and skills under the HEARD project, RISE-Ghana and its partners aim to create a more inclusive and representative decision-making process, ensuring the voices of young people are heard and valued in its operational areas; Bolgatanga Municipality and Kassena Nankana West District.